Strand is excited to be an exhibitor at the world's largest human genetics meeting - American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG 2017) scheduled at Orlando, Florida from 17 - 21 October 2017. At ASHG, our experts will demonstrate the capabilities of Strand's bioinformatics flagship product 'Strand NGS'- an integrated all-in-one NGS data analysis software.
The Strand team will be presenting eight posters at the ASHG conference in the Bioinformatics and Computational Approaches, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Phenotypes sessions. To know more, see the detailed agenda below. Do visit our booth #1017 and learn exciting things about genomics and its application in healthcare. We invite you to take the opportunity to speak to our experts and learn more about Strand's solutions for NGS data analysis and interpretation. We also have exciting games scheduled at the booth for you to play with a chance to win. Participants who stay tuned for our booth presentations will also receive Strand T-shirts.
To schedule a one-on-one meeting in advance or a private demo, do write to us at sales@strandngs.com or meet our experts by visiting our booth #1017 at ASHG 2017. If you wouldn't be able to attend, we encourage you to watch our latest webinar recordings to learn more about Strand NGS. |
Poster Presentation @ Exhibit Hall, Level 1, Convention Center |
2:00 - 3:00 PM Program 2725W Session: Cardiovascular Phenotypes |
Integrating biological age and transcriptome markers for predicting the functional recovery potential of patients undergoing mechanical circulatory support surgery by Galyna Bondar |
3:00-4:00 PM
Program 1456W Session: Bioinformatics & Computational Approaches |
Pipeline for DNA-Seq Analysis: Streamlining of data processing, Quick and Accurate Variant calling, and Annotating Variants by Atanu Pal |
2:00 - 3:00 PM Program 785T Session: Cancer |
Functional integration of genomic and transcriptomic data using Strand NGS explains drug resistance in basal cell carcinoma by Suman Kapoor |
2:00-3:00 PM Program 605T Session: Cancer |
Screening of over 1000 Indian patients with breast and/or ovarian cancer with a multi-gene panel prevalence of BRCA1/2 and non-BRCA mutations by Ashraf U Mannan |
3:00 - 4:00 PM Program 2726T Session: Cardiovascular Phenotypes |
Integrated analysis using RNA-Seq and ChIP-Seq data to understand the Regulation of Cardiogenesis by Mohammed Toufiq |
11:30 - 12:30 PM Program 771F Session: Cancer |
Identification of potential LREA regions in prostate cancer cell lines using Multiomic analysis features of Strand NGS software by Pradhipa Karuna |
11:30 - 12:30 PM
Program 1431F Session: Bioinformatics and Computational Approaches |
Small RNA-Seq workflow in Strand NGS: Detection of novel small RNAs by Hemant Adil |
12:30 - 1:30 PM Program 2730F Session: Cardiovascular Phenotypes |
Postoperative risk prediction based on preoperative leuckocyte immunobiology by Srikanthi Ramachandrula |
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