Strand Life Sciences is happy to announce the release of Strand NGS v3.0. This version comes with one-shot pipeline execution option, TSS plot for ChIP-Seq data, support for HGVS notations, RNA-Seq speed-ups, and high performance, high accuracy DNA-Seq workflow and many more improvements. A brief description of few features is listed below. Please see the release notes for further details. |
One-shot pipeline execution |
One-shot pipeline execution option helps researchers and core facilities to complete NGS analyses in just a few clicks.
Improvements to DNA-Seq analysis |
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Accuracy of the DNA-Seq analysis workflow for whole exome and whole genomes is comparable to the BWA-GATK best practices workflow. |
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Accuracy has improved for larger samples with lower coverage. |
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The DNA-Seq analysis workflow is twice as fast as BWA-GATK best practices workflow. |
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Low frequency SNP detection is also accurate with fewer false positives. |
Improvement to RNA-Seq alignment speed |
The alignment speed of RNA-Seq data to transcriptome-only has been improved by 110% when compared to previous releases. |
Self-contained SNP wizard |
The new self-contained SNP detection wizard provides flexibility for researchers to change all relevant parameters and customize for every run based on their requirements. |
Alignment support for large genomes and circular genomes. |
These features will enable researchers to work with polyploid genomes like plants and also analyse prokaryotic samples. |
Full support for HGVS notations |
The HGVS notations describe variants in the nomenclature approved by the Human Genome Variation Society as the international standard of variant reporting and information exchange in DNA diagnostics. |
TSS plot in ChIP-Seq workflow |
This plot helps researchers to visualize the profile of normalized read density (reads per million) around the Transcription Start Sites. |
Other improvements |
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A new home screen has been implemented. This screen gives quick access to common tasks like running pipelines, opening recent/ existing project etc. |
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Local realignment has been significantly improved. |
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A new pipeline on"Strand NGS best practices- Detect SNPs" is packaged. |
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Check for known variants workflow can run as a background job and can be added to a pipeline. |
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New demo DNA-Seq experiment (Chr 21) and associated annotations are packaged with the demo projects in the tool. |