Illumina | Strand NGS | Avadis NGS

Strand NGS formerly Avadis NGS is co-marketed by Illumina, and includes tight integration for the data generated from the MiSeq instrument in addition to support for HiSeq and GAIIx data. The data from a MiSeq run folder can be directly imported into Strand NGS using a single-click. It includes the option to import in the raw reads data, or the aligned data along with all the sample meta information and any analysis results. Strand NGS also includes custom QC plots, like the Read Quality by Tile plot, tailored to visualizing data from Illumina instruments.

Support for all Illumina platforms

Seamless import of MiSeq data

Tight integration with MiSeq – point your MiSeq run folder and import data directly into Strand NGS. One click import of 96-sample multiplexed MiSeq run.

Illumina specific QC plots

Read Quality by Tile plot - to visualize the overall quality of reads in the 6 swaths and 8 tiles within each swath.

Webinar on MiSeq data analysis

Watch this video to learn how the data in a MiSeq generated "run folder" is automatically loaded into the Strand NGS software during small RNA alignment and DNA variant analysis and how to use the QC steps of Strand NGS to check if the amplicons have sufficient coverage in all the samples.

Illumina Partner Webinar

Illumina Partner Webinar on NGS data analysis in Strand NGS-formerly Avadis NGS. Watch the recording here (to be announced).

Illumina specific tutorials

Getting Started: PDF
ChIP-Seq: PDF chr1 dataset (6MB) full dataset (81MB)
DNA-Seq: PDF 3 HapMap samples (22MB)
RNA-Seq: PDF chr1 dataset (66MB) full dataset (900MB)
small RNA-Seq: PDF MiSeq run folder (225MB) aligned SAM files (200MB)