Life Technologies | Avadis NGS

Avadis NGS is co-marketed by Life Technologies, and includes extensive support for the data generated from Ion Torrent PGM machines. It also includes an extensive RNA-Seq workflow to process data from the Ion RNA-Seq Kit V2.

Support for Ion Torrent data

Extensive support for long variable length read data generated from Ion Torrent machines using any of Ion 314™, Ion 316™ or Ion 318™ Chip, right from alignment to downstream analysis.

Webinar on analysis of Ion Torrent data

Watch this video to learn how to align the long, variable-length reads generated by Ion Torrent sequencers and how pre-alignment QC plots can be used to set appropriate alignment parameters for aligning Ion Torrent reads.

Support for Ion RNA-Seq Kit V2

Import RNA-Seq data generated from the Ion RNA-Seq Kit V2 and perform alignment against the transcriptome, followed by extensive downstream RNA-Seq analysis. Register here if you have the Ion promo code.

Ion Torrent Partner Webinar

Ion Torrent Partner Webinar on RNA-Seq analysis in Avadis NGS. Watch the recording here (to be announced).